About PSJ

Name:PSJ Association Inc.
Address:No.501,1-14-5, Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established:June 2014
Business Objectives:
  • Support for economic cooperation for developing regions within our home country as well as abroad
  • Support for the healthy growth and development of children and youths
  • Support for the protection, conservation and development of the global environment
  • Promotion of mutual understanding of traditional Japanese culture as well as international cultures
  • Through the activities mentioned above, we aim to contribute to the alleviation of poverty, the protection of children, the conservation of the environment and the solving of problems regarding international cultural exchange.
Description of business:
Business related to practical research and the raising of awareness concerning poverty alleviation, child protection, environmental conservation and international cultural exchange, as well as entertainment projects.
Interaction and management cooperation with individuals and organizations that are connected with the Corporation's direct objectives.
Product planning, development, production, import and export, distribution, business consolation and sales for materials and products that related to the purposes of the organization.
Activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the corporation as well as business-related or incidental to the business as mentioned in the preceding.
Greeting from our Representatives

PSJ stands for Peace Seekers Japan.We are engaged in activities to address the various problems faced by children at home and children abroad to help improve the environment around them. We aim to work with them to help create a bright future for the youth of the world.
Today, in many countries there are many children who suffer from physical handicaps caused by war or by birth while many other suffer from desperate poverty. Many of them are also here in Japan where the society appears to be peaceful and rich and looks to be free from such difficulties. Unfortunately, the children in such circumstances are in most of cases helpless.
We want to make the society where children can have a dream and hope. PSJ is committed to support the activities for making of the better world.

In the future, PSJ Association Inc. will strengthen its cooperation with other organizations and partnered associations, which share the same objectives and address various issues with full force so as to increase the significance of the corporation's existence.
It should be noted that the revenue obtained through the activities of the association will be bestowed as donations upon other charitable organizations and partnered associations.
We hope you can comply with the objectives of this organization and we would appreciate your continued support and cooperation.

Contact: PSJ Association Inc.

Address: No.501,1-14-5, Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo